1. Abbott, A. (1988). Transcending general linear reality. Sociological Theory, 6, 169–186.
2. Allee, W. C., Emerson, A. E., Park, O., Park, T., & Schmidt, K. P. (1949). Principles of an
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3. Bardi, U. (2011). The limits to growth revisited. New York: Springer.
4. Blalock, H. M. (1960). Social statistics. New York: McGraw-Hill.
5. Burch, T. K. (1993). Theory, computers and the parameterization of demographic behavior. In IUSSP international population conference, Montreal 1993. (Vol. 3, pp. 377–388). Liege: IUSSP. See also Ch. 6 in this volume.