1. “About US”. 2017. Oikoumene: World Council of Churches.
. Accessed 13 June 2017.
2. Ainge Roy, Eleanor. 2016. New Zealand’s Most Shameful Secret: ‘We Have Normalised Child Poverty.’ The Guardian, 16 August.
. Accessed 13 June 2017.
3. All Translations of Māori Terms are Taken from the Māori Dictionary.
. Accessed 13 July 2017.
4. Anand, Sangeeta. 2009. Unsafe Haven. Ms. Magazine, Spring Issue, 19.
5. Aspin, Clive, and Jessica Hutchings. 2007. Reclaiming the Past to Inform the Future: Contemporary Views of Māori Sexuality. Culture, Health and Sexuality 9 (4): 415–427.