1. Apollo 17 Preliminary Science Report (1973) NASA SP-330
2. Apollo Transcripts. https://www.lpi.usra.edu/lunar/documents/
3. Bailey NG, Ulrich GE (1975) Apollo 17 voice transcript pertaining to the geology of the landing site. U.S. Geological Survey Branch of Astrogeology, Flagstaff. https://www.lpi.usra.edu/lunar/documents/Apollo17VoiceTranscript-Geology.pdf
4. Defense Mapping Agency (1975) Apollo 17 traverses Lunar photomap 1:25000. Edition 1, Sheet 43D1S2(25). Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center, Washington, DC
5. Haase I, Wählisch M, Gläser P, Oberst J, Robinson M (2018) Coordinates and maps of the Apollo 17 landing site. Earth Space Sci 6(1):59–95. https://doi.org/10.1029/2018EA000408