1. Abrams, Lynn. The Orphan Country: Children of Scotland’s Broken Homes from 1845 to the Present Day. Edinburgh: John Donald Publishers, 1998.
2. Askeland, Lori, ed. Children and Youth in Adoption, Orphanages and Foster Care: A Historical Hadnbook and Guide. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2006.
3. Barbalet, Margaret. Far from a Low Gutter Girl: The Forgotten World of State Wards: South Australia 1887–1940. Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 1983.
4. Barnard, Jill, and Karen Twigg. Holding on to Hope: A History of the Founding Agencies of Mackillop Family Services 1854–1997. Kew, VIC: Australian Scholarly Publishing, 2004.
5. Broomhall, Susan, ed. Emotions in the Household, 1200–1900. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.