1. Aquinas T. (1948). Summa Theologiae. Trans. English Dominican Friars. New York: Benzinger. 3 Volumes.
2. Aquinas, T. (1949). On kingship to the king of Cyprus. Trans. G.B. Phelan. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies.
3. Aquinas, T. (1953). De Veritate (Disputed Questions on Truth). Trans. J. V. McGlynn, S. J. Chicago: Regnery.
4. Aquinas, T. (2012). Commentary on the letter of Saint Paul to the Romans. Trans. F. R. Larcher, O.P. Eds. J. Mortensen and E. Alarcon. Lander: The Aquinas Institute for the Study of Sacred Doctrine. Volume 37.
5. Arendt, H. (1958). The human condition. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.