1. Åhlberg. (1988). Kasvatustavoitteiden teoreettinen kehikko ja sen empiiristä koettelua. Helsingin yliopiston kasvatustieteen laitos. [A framework for educational objectives and its empirical testing]. Tutkimuksia, 117.
2. Åhlberg, M. (1989). Environmental educators need conceptual innovations and scientific ontology and epistemology. In V. Meisalo & H. Kuitunen (Eds.), Innovations in the science and technology education. Proceedings of the second Nordic conference on science and technology education. Heinola, 8–11 Aug 1989. National Board of General Education. Information Bulletin, 2, pp. 280–286.
3. Åhlberg, M. (1990). Kasvattajille sopivien tutkimusmenetelmien ja-instrumenttien teoreettiset perusteet, tutkiminen ja kehittäminen elinikäisen kasvatuksen ja oppimisen näkökulmasta: KST-projektin tutkimussuunnitelma. [Research methods and instruments which are suitable for educators—theoretical underpinnings, research and development from the viewpoint of lifelong education and learning. A research program.] University of Joensuu. Research Reports of the Faculty of Education, No. 31.
4. Åhlberg, M. (1998). Education for sustainability, good environment and good life. In M. Åhlberg & W. Leal Filho (Eds.), Environmental education for sustainability: Good environment, good life (pp. 25–43). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
5. Åhlberg. (2005a). Integrating education for sustainable development. In W. Leal Filho (Ed.), Handbook of sustainability research (pp. 477–504). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.