1. Addison, Thomas. Arithmeticall navigation: or, An Order thereof: Compiled and published for the advancement of Navigation: More particularly, For the benefit of English Mariners, or Sea-faring men that delight therein… London, 1625.
2. Anon. (Pierre Garcie). The Rutter of the Sea with Havens, Rodes, Soundings, Kennings, Windes, Floods, and Ebbes… London, 1520.
3. Anon. (Richard Arnold). Mappa Mundi. Otherwise called the Compasse and Circuet of the Worlde and also the Compasse of every Ilande, coprehendid in the same. London, 1550.
4. Anon. (John Fitzherbert). The booke of Husbandry, Very profitable and necessary for all maner of persons… London, 1568.
5. Anon. (Pietro Martire d’Anghieri). The History of Travayle in the West and East Indies, and other countreys lying eyther way, towardes the fruitfull and ryche Moluccaes… London, 1577.