1. Bacon, Francis. The New Organum. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000.
2. Brydone, Patrick. A Tour through Sicily and Malta. In a Series of Letters to William Beckford Esq. from P. Brydone, F.R.S. In Two Volumes. The Third Edition. London: Strahan and Cadell, 1774.
3. Keyssler, Johann Georg. Travels through Germany, Bohemia, Hungary, Switzerland, Italy, and Lorrain. Giving a True and Just Description of the Present State of those Countries. London, 1756.
4. Russo Farruggia, Salvatore. Storia della città di Noto. Noto, 1838.
5. Watkins, Thomas. Travels through Switzerland, Italy, Sicily and the Greek Islands to Constantinople; Through Part of Greece, Ragusa, and the Dalmatian Isles; in a Series of Letters to Pennoyre Watkins, Esq. from Thomas Watkins, A.M. In the Years 1787, 1788, 1789. London, 1792.