1. Baskett, printer. (1714). Tractatus pacis & amicitiae inter serenissimam ac potentissimam principem Annam… et serenissiman ac potentissimam principem Philippum V … concluses Trajecti ad Rhenum die 2/13 mensis julii, anno 1713. Treaty of peace and friendship between… Anne, by grace of God, queen of Great Britain, France, and Ireland… and Philip the Vth, the Catholik king of Spain, concluded at Utrecht the 2/13 day of July, 1713. London: Baskett (by Her Majesties Special Command).
2. Gobierno de España. (2017). Historia y aspectos Jurídicos del contencioso. Gobierno de España. http://www.exteriores.gob.es/Portal/es/PoliticaExteriorCooperacion/Gibraltar/Paginas/Historia.aspx
3. International Court of Justice. (1949). Corfu Channel case, Judgment of April 9th, 1949. I.C.J. Reports, p. 4.
4. Oireachtas. (1938). Diospoireachtai Parlaiminte, Volume 71, sitting of 27 April 1938.
5. Ridolfi, G. (1997). Geostrategy and naval power in the Mediterranean. Marine Policy, 21(4), 387.