1. Jia-Rui C. Cook and Rachel Prucey, “Cassini Shows Saturnian Roller Derby, Strange Weather,” JPL press release 2010–090 (18 Mar. 2010).
2. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), “Saturn: History,”
, GSFC Web site, accessed 6 June 2011.
3. Christiaan Huygens, De Saturni Luna Observatio Nova (New Observation of a Moon of Saturn), (The Hague: 1656). The treatise was also published in Pierre Borel, De Vero Telescopii Inventore, Cum Brevi Omnium Conspiciliorum Historia-Observationum Microcospicarum Centuria (The Hague: Adriaan Vlacq, 1655–1656).
4. The anagram was, “a a a a a a a c c c c c d e e e e e h i i i i i i i l l l l m m n n n n n n n n n o o o o p p q r r s t t t t t u u u u u,” as reported in Ronald Brashear , “Christiaan Huygens: Systema Saturnium (1659),”
, Special Collections Department, Smithsonian Institution Libraries (May 1999).
5. Ronald Brashear , “Christiaan Huygens: Systema Saturnium (1659),”
, Special Collections Department, Smithsonian Institution Libraries (May 1999); Planetary Society, “The Alphabet Soup of Saturn’s Rings,”
(24 May 2005); “The New Science,”
, Rare Books and Special Collection Library, University of Sydney Web site, accessed 6 June 2011.