1. Aero EL, Kuvshinskii EV (1961) Fundamental equations of the theory of elastic media with rotationally interacting particles. Soviet Phys Solid State 2:1272–1281 (English translation from the Russian edition, 1960)
2. Altenbach H, Eremeyev VA (eds) (2013) Generalized continua—from the theory to engineering applications (CISM Lecture notes, Udine, 2011). Springer, Wien
3. Appell P (1909) Traité de mécanique rationnelle, T.III, Gauthier-Villars, paris (Note sur la théorie de l’action euclidienne par E. and F. Cosserat, pp 557–629) (reprinted in fac-simile form by Editions Gabay, Paris, 1991)
4. Ball JM, James RD (2002) The scientific life and influence of Clifford Ambrose Truesdell III. Arch Rat Mech Anal 161:1–26
5. Barré de Saint-Venant AJC (1883) Théorie des corps élastiques, French translation from the German with many comments and additions of “Clebsch A (1862) Theorie der Elastizität fester Körper, Leipzig”