Data Quality Assurance for Volunteered Geographic Information


Ali Ahmed Loai,Schmid Falko


Springer International Publishing

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1. An Open-Data-Based Methodology for the Creation of a Graph of Critical Infrastructure Dependencies at an Urban Scale;Critical Infrastructure - Modern Approach and New Developments [Working Title];2023-11-16

2. Evaluating the VGI Users' Level of Expertise;International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research;2023-01-20

3. The use of web-GIS and crowdsourcing in the acquisition of historical data on the example of Polegli1939 project;Polish Cartographical Review;2023-01-01

4. A comprehensive framework for evaluating the quality of street view imagery;International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation;2022-12

5. Evaluation of the quality of the Voluntary Geographic Information for the road network in Bogotá D.C;Cuadernos de Investigación Geográfica;2022-08-25







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