1. Altshuller G. Creativity as an exact science. New York: Gordon and Breach; 1984 (Russian edition 1979).
2. Altshuller G. And suddenly the inventor appeared: TRIZ, the theory of inventive problem solving. Worchester: Technical Innovation Center; 1996 (Translated by Lev Shulyak).
3. Altshuller G. The innovation algorithm. Worcester: Technical Innovation Center; 1999 (First Russian edition 1969).
4. ARIZ-85c: Altshuller G, Zlotin B, Philatov V. The profession of searching for new ideas. Kishinev: Kartya Moldovenyaska Publishing House; 1985 (In Russian).
5. Higgins JM. 101 Creative problem solving techniques. Winter Park: New Management Publishing Company; 1994.