1. Hollingshead, E.A., and Braunwarth, V.A., “Laboratory investigation of carbon anode consumption in the electrolytic production of aluminum”, Extractive Metallurgy of Aluminum, Vol. 2, 31–50, Interscience Publishers, New York, 1963.
2. Lewis, R.A., “Design and operating of experimental 10 kA. scale cells for aluminum reduction process research and development.” AIME Operating Metallurgy Conference, Philadelphia, December 1966.
3. Harvey, P.R., and Van Dyne, L.A., “Effects of operational variables on the physical properties of baked anodes,” AIME Annual Meeting, Chicago, February 1965.
4. Hildebrandt, R.D., “Carbon and coke aggregates in relation to aluminum cell anode quality.” AIME Annual Meeting, Washington, February 1969.
5. Bowitz, O.T., Eftestol, T. and Selvik, R.A. “New methods for testing raw materials for anode carbon paste.” Extractive Metallurgy of Aluminum, Vol.2, 331–348, Interscience Publishers, Hew York, 1963