1. D. Aubin, A. Dahan Dalmonico, Writing the history of dynamical systems and chaos: longue durée and revolution, disciplines and culture. Hist. Math. 29, 1 (2002) and references therein
2. H. Poincaré, Sur les courbes définies par une équation différentielle. Journal de mathématiques pures et appliquées, Série 1 7, 375 (1881); 8, 251 (1882); Série 2 1, 167 (1885) and 2, 151 (1886). Those four papers, based on Poincaré PhD thesis are a monument of the history of Mathematics
3. P. Coullet, Bifurcation at the dawn of Modern Science. CR Mecanique 340, 777 (2012). We can only urge interested readers to read this beautiful piece on Science of classical times
4. J.M. Ginoux, History of Nonlinear Oscillations Theory (1880–1940, to appear)
5. Y. Rocard, Dynamique générale des vibrations (Dunod, Paris, 1971)