1. R.W. Lyczkowski, A Mechanistic Theory for Drying of Porous Media, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory Report UCRL-52456 (1978)
2. R.W. Lyczkowski, P.R. Westmoreland, The Role of Drying in Underground Coal Gasification, Invited Keynote Lecture presented at the 2nd International Conference on Drying, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, July 6–9, 1980. Lawrence Livermore Laboratory Abstract UCRL-83203 (1979)
3. W.R. Aiman, R.W. Lyczkowski, C.B. Thorsness, R.J. Cena, Reverse Combustion in a Horizontally Bored Coal Channel, in 5th Underground Coal Conversion Symposium, Alexandria, Virginia, June 18–21, 1979. Lawrence Livermore Laboratory Report UCRL-82505 (1979)
4. R.W. Lyczkowski, Steps in Refining a Model of the Coal Drying Rate During UCG, in LLNL Underground Coal Gasification Project Quarterly Progress Report—July through September 1980, ed. by D.U. Olness, pp. 7–8. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Report, UCRL-50026-80-3 (October 14, 1980)
5. R.W. Lyczkowski, C.B. Thorsness, R.J. Cena, The Use of Tracers in Laboratory and Field Tests of Underground Coal Gasification and Oil Shale Retorting, Proceeding of the 4th Underground Coal Conversion Symposium, Steamboat Springs, Colorado, pp. 239–256, July 17–20, 1978; Sandia Laboratories, SAND-0941, June 1978. Lawrence Livermore Laboratory Report UCRL-81252 (1978)