1. Australian Council for the Arts. (2015). Arts Nation: An Overview of Australian Arts (2015 Ed.). Sydney: Creative Commons.
2. Bales, S. (2000). Reframing Youth Issues for Public Consideration and Support. In S. Bales Ed., Reframing Youth Issues (Working Papers). Washington, DC: Frameworks Institute and Center for Communications and Community/UCLA.
3. Boyden, J. (1997). Childhood and the Policy Makers: A Comparative Perspective on the Globalization of Childhood. London: Falmer Press.
4. Brazil’s Current Child and Youth Policies, in Contrast, Were Heralded as “the Best Child Protection Legislation in the World” by Former UNICEF Director James Grant. For More Information, See Klees, S. J., & Rizzini, I. (2001, Fall). Children and Their Advocates: Making a New Constitution”, in the Forum for Youth Investment’s “Standing for Their Rights. CYD Journal, 2(4), 54–63.
5. Caldwell, L. L. (2005). Recreation and Youth Development. In P. A. Witt & L. L. Caldwell (Eds.), Recreation and Youth Development (pp. 169–189). State College: Venture Publishing Inc.