1. Abhervé, Séverine, N. T. Binh and José Moure, eds. 2014. Musiques de films, nouveaux enjeux: rencontres sensibles entre deux arts. Bruxelles: les Impressions nouvelles.
2. Adorno, Theodor and Hanns Eisler. 1994 [1947]. Composing for the Films. London: Continuum.
3. Altman, Rick. 1987. The American Film Musical. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
4. Altman, Rick, McGraw Jones and Sonia Tatroe. 2000. “Inventing the Cinema Soundtrack: Hollywood’s Multiplane Sound System.” In Music and Cinema, edited by James Buhler, Caryl Flinn and David Neumeyer, 339–359. Hanover: University Press of New England.
5. Berthomieu, Pierre. 2004. La Musique de film. Paris: Klincksieck.