1. Ashworth, William B. 1990. Natural history and the emblematic world view. In Reappraisals of the scientific revolution, ed. David Lindberg and Robert Westman, 303–332. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
2. Bacon, Francis. 1857–1874. Works, ed. James Spedding, Robert L. Ellis and Douglas D. Heath, 14 vols. London: Longman [repr. Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann, 1961–1963; Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012].
3. Bacon, Francis. 1996a. Philosophical studies, c. 1611–c.1619, ed. Graham Rees. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
4. Bacon, Francis. 1996b. Francis Bacon: The major works, ed. Brian Vickers. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
5. Bacon, Francis. 2000. The advancement of learning, ed. Michael Kiernan. Oxford: Clarendon.