1. Boccaccio on Poetry. Being the preface and fourteenth and fifteenth books of Boccaccio’s Genealogia Deorum Gentilium. 1956. Trans. C. Osgood. New York: Liberal Arts Press.
2. Boccaccio, Giovanni. 1965. The fates of illustrious men. Trans. L. B. Hall. New York: Frederick Ungar.
3. Boccaccio, Giovanni. 1965-1999. Tutte le opere di G.B., ed. V. Branca. Milan: Mondadori. 10 vols.
4. Boccaccio, Giovanni. 1971. Nimphs of Fiesole. Trans. J. Tusiani. Rutherford: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.
5. Boccaccio, Giovanni. 1972. The Decameron. Trans. G. H. McWilliam. London: Penguin Books.