1. Tignosi, N. Commentary (untitled and undated) on Aristotle’s Posterior analytics. One MS: Florence, BRicc., 110 (XV), 198 folios (Rotondò 1958, 221–25; Sensi 1971–72, 370–74; Field 1988, 139). From the late 1430s according to Rotondò.
2. Tignosi, N. Comentum utilissimum, sive opus sensus compositi et divisi compilatum a magistro Nicolao de Fulgineo artium ac medicine doctore excellentissimo. One MS: Padua, BCapitolare nella Curia vescovile, D.54 (XV), ff. 44v-48v. Undated, but possibly not much after the Posterior Analytics commentary (Sensi 1971–72, 374–75).
3. Tignosi, N. Expugnatio Constantinopolitana. One MS: Vatican City, BAV, Urb. Lat. 923 (XV), ff. 28v–41. Written c. 1455 (Sensi 1971–72, 378–82; edition on 423–31; selections with Italian translation in A. Pertusi (ed.), Testi inediti e poco noti sulla caduta di Costantinopoli (Bologna 1983), 102–21).
4. Tignosi, N. Ad clarissimum virum Iohannem Medicem de laudibus Cosmi patris eius, seu desceptatio Perusiae an priscorum hominum mores et ingenia antecellant viventium. Two MSS: Florence, BLaur., Plut LIII, 11 (XV), ff. 42–60 and LIV, 10 (XV), ff. 60–73; datable shortly before 1460 (Rotondò 1958, 226, n. 6; Sensi 1971–72, 382–85; edition on 447–65).
5. Tignosi, N. Commenta in Ethicorum libros. Four MSS: Florence, BLaur., Plut. LXXVI, 48 (XV), 233 ff.; Plut. LXXVI, 49 (XV), 198 ff. (dedication copy to Piero de’ Medici); Florence, BNC, Gino Capponi, 314 (XV), 205 ff. (now missing Books V and X); Perugia, BCom. Augustea, L, 79 (XV), 279 ff. On the basis of the dedication, Plut. LXXVI, 49 is datable c. 1461, but the work itself is almost certainly earlier (on the MSS see Sensi 1971–72, 385; Lohr 1972, 306; Barale Hennemann 1974, 218; Field 1988, 140–41; Lines 1999a, 144, n. 14; Lines 1999b, 273–74; Lines 2002, 490–91).