1. Aristoteles Latinus Database – Brepols Publishers, online resource (last updated in 2018).
2. [Beedetto Cotrugli, De navigatione] = Falchetta, Piero (ed.). 2009. Il trattato ‘De navigatione’ di Benedetto Cotrugli (1464–1465). Edizione commentata del ms. Schoenberg 473, con il testo del ms. 557 di Yale. Sudi veneziani 57: 1–67.
3. da Rodi, Michele. Maritime manuscript zibaldone, ca. 1430–1460, undisclosed private collection =
4. da Rodi, Michele. 2009. [Maritime manuscript zibaldone], manuscript on paper, ca. 1430–1460, undisclosed private collection. In The book of Michael of Rhodes. A fifteenth century maritime manuscript, ed. Long, Pamela O., David McGee, and Alan M. Stahl, 3 vols. Cambridge, MA (volume 1, facsimile of the manuscript, reproduced in full color).
5. del Cantino, Carta, marine planisphere expaned to include Portuguese navigations until 1502, circumnavigating Africa and as far India. Manuscript on vellum, written in Portuguese. Lisbon, 1502. Modena (Italy), Biblioteca Estense e Universitaria, C.G.A.2.