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2. Spicher, A., Fatès, N., Simonin, O.: Translating discrete multi-agents systems into cellular automata: application to diffusion-limited aggregation. In: Filipe, J., Fred, A., Sharp, B. (eds.) Agents and Artificial Intelligence. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol. 67, pp. 270–282. Springer, Berlin, Germany (2010)
3. Tosic, P.: On modeling large-scale multi-agent systems with parallel, sequential and genuinely asynchronous cellular automata. Acta Phys. Pol. B Proc. Suppl. 4(2), 217–235 (2011)
4. Bouré, O., Fatès, N., Chevrier, V.: First steps on asynchronous lattice-gas models with an application to a swarming rule. Nat. Comput. 12(4), 551–560 (2013)
5. Chevrier, V., Fatès, N.: Multi-agent systems as discrete dynamical systems: Influences and reactions as a modelling principle. Technical report, INRIA-LORIA (2008)