1. Blandy, D. (1983). Printing poetry in blissymbols: An arts-of-the-book apprenticeship for four so-called moderately mentally retarded persons. Marilyn Zurmuehlen Working Papers in Art Education, 2, 42–47.
2. Bliss, C. K. (1966). Semantography (Blissymbolics) (2nd enlarged ed.). Sydney: Semantography (Blissymbolics) Publications.
3. Bollack, L. (1900). Abridged grammar of the Blue Language (English version by Professor Tischer). Paris: Editions of the Blue Language.
4. Donoghue, T. J. (1916). Geoglot. Boston: International Geoglot Bureau.
5. Freudenthal, H. (1960). Lincos (Part 1). Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Company.