1. Aristotle. Rhetorica. In Aristotelis opera. Edidit August Immanuel Bekker, Academia Regia Borussica. Berlin: Reimer, 1831–1870 [rist. De Gruyter, 1960]. In the English translation by John Henry Freese, Fellow of St. John’s College, in the Loeb Classical Library (1947).
2. Plato. Gorgias. In Platonis opera. Edidit Iannes Burnet, Oxford Classical Texts Library. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1903. In the English translation by Walter R. M. Lamb, fellow of Trinity College (Cambridge), in the Loeb Classical Library (1946).
3. Allen, James Frederick. 1979. A Plan-Based Approach to Speech Act Recognition. Toronto: University of Toronto.
4. Barthes, Roland. 1970. L’ancienne rhétorique. Communications 16: 172–229.
5. Blom, Jan-Petter, and John Gumperz. 1972. Social meaning in linguistic structures: Code switching in Norway. In Directions in Sociolinguistics: The Ethnography of Communication, ed. John J. Gumperz, and Dell Hymes, 407–434. New York: Holt.