1. Sala M (2005) Design Report Meyer Children’s Hospital—report highlighting initial ideas and concepts + design drawing, technical drawings and picture of the completed solutions. Hospital Brochure
2. Sala M (2006) Monitoring plans including occupants survey—Meyer Children’s Hospital. Hospital Brochure
3. Boonstra CH (2013) Design Report Deventer Hospital—plans, details, features with specifications energy performance, simulation results and results regarding thermal and visual comfort conditions, Hospital Brochure 2005 [1] Del Nord R (2013) The teaching and research hospital: an inpatient design experience in Hospital planning and building. TESIS Unifi Edition, Firenze
4. http://www.ics.ele.tue.nl/~akash/maartje/getExampleDetail.php?ID=5
5. Data taken from: Christel Russ, Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems Freiburg, Final Report WP 3 Monitoring, Hospitals—Exemplary Energy-Conscious European Hospitals and Health Care Buildings. Project Number: NNE5-2001-00295