1. "AMA Asks FTC in Re-study Its Case Against Doctors," Advertising Age, January 24, 1977, p. 78.
2. Andreason, A. and B. Ratch Ford, "A Study of Consumer Perceptions of Decisions," in Advances in Consumer Behavior; Volume I, S. Ward and P. Wright, Editors, Boston: Association for Consumer Research, 1972, pp. 283–286.
3. "Bar Group Okays Yellow Pages Ads," Advertising Age, February 23, 1976.
4. Bloom, Paul N., "Advertising in the Professions; The Critical Issue," Journal of Marketing, 41 (July, 1977), pp. 103–110.
5. — and Stephen E. Loeb, "If Public Accountants are Allowed to Advertise," Business Topics, Summer, 1977, pp. 57–64.