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2. 3GPP, TR 38.913: study on scenarios and requirements for next generation access technologies (release 14) (2016b), http://www.3gpp.org/DynaReport/38913.htm
3. 3GPP, TR 38.802: study on new radio access technology; physical layer aspects (release 14) (2017), http://www.3gpp.org/DynaReport/38802.htm
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5. P. Banelli, S. Buzzi, G. Colavolpe, A. Modenini, F. Rusek, A. Ugolini, Modulation formats and waveforms for 5G networks: who will be the heir of OFDM? an overview of alternative modulation schemes for improved spectral efficiency. IEEE Signal Process. Mag. 31(6), 80–93 (2014)