1. Apfelstädt, A., & Gather, M. (2014). New design of a truck load network. In Dynamics in Logistics: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference LDIC, 2014 Bremen, Germany, Lecture Notes in Logistics (pp. 183–191). Berlin: Springer International Publishing.
2. Apfelstädt, A., Dashkovskiy, S., & Nieberding, B. (2016). Modeling, optimization and solving strategies for matching problems in cooperative full truckload networks. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 49(2), 18–23.
3. Dashkovskiy, S. N., & Nieberding, B. (2016). Costs and travel times of cooperative networks in full truck load logistics. In Dynamics in Logistics (pp. 193–201). Berlin: Springer International Publishing.
4. Apfelstädt, A. (2017). New production approach for European truckload cargo industry. In This volume.
5. Nieberding, B. (2017). Multi-routing for transport-matching in cooperative, full truckload, relay networks. In This volume.