1. Kadlec, P., Raida, Z.: A novel multi-objective self-organizing migrating algorithm. Radioengineering 20, 77–90 (2011)
2. Kadlec, P., Štumpf, M., Raida, Z.: Adaptive beam forming in time-domain. In: 2011 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA) (2011). doi:
3. Wiktor, M., Kadlec, P., Raida, Z.: Performance limits for low order absorbing boundary conditions in waveguides in time domain. In: 22nd International Conference on Radioelektronika, IEEE (2012)
4. Kadlec, P., Raida, Z.: Multi-objective self-organizing migrating algorithm applied to the design of electromagnetic components. IEEE Ant. Propag. Mag. 55, 50–68 (2013)
5. Raida, Z., et al.: Communication subsystems for emerging wireless technologies. Radioengineering 21, 1036–1049 (2012)