1. Blair, Hugh 1812 (1783). Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres. Vol. 2. Brooklyn: T. Kirk, 5th American edition. http://tinyurl.com/jmd3wl7
2. Browne, Thomas 1808. The British Cicero, or a Selection of the Most Admired Speeches in the English Language Arranged under Three Distinct Heads of Popular, Parliamentary, and Judicial Oratory with Historical Illustration to Which is Prefixed an Introduction to the Study and Practice of Eloquence. Vol. 1. London: Longman. http://archive.org/details/britishcicerowi00browgoog
3. Cambridge Union Society [CUS] minute book [1823–1874]. Minute Book [vols 1–14]. Cambridge: Cambridge Union Society.
4. Curzon, George Nathaniel [Earl of Kedleston] 1913. Modern Parliamentary Eloquence. The Rede Lecture delivered before the University of Cambridge, 6 November 1913. London: Macmillan.
5. De Mille, James 1882 (1878). Elements of Rhetoric. New York: Harpers. http://archive.org/details/elementsrhetori00millgoog