1. Abele, E., Bauerdick, C., Strobel, N., & Panten, N. (2016). ETA learning factory: A holistic concept for teaching energy efficiency in production. 6th CIRP-sponsored Conference on Leanring Factories. Procedia CIRP, 54, 83–88.
2. Abele, E., Chryssolouris, G., Sihn, W., Metternich, J., ElMaraghy, H. A., Seliger, G., et al. (2017). Learning Factories for future oriented research and education in manufacturing. CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 66(2), 803–826.
3. Abele, E., Eichhorn, N., & Kuhn, S. (2007). Increase of productivity based on capability building in a learning factory. Computer Integrated Manufacturing and High Speed Machining: 11th International Conference on Production Engineering, Zagreb, pp. 37–41.
4. Abele, E., Metternich, J., Tenberg, R., Tisch, M., Abel, M., Hertle, C., Eißler, S., Enke, J., & Faatz, L. (2015). Innovative Lernmodule und -fabriken: Validierung und Weiterentwicklung einer neuartigen Wissensplattform für die Produktionsexzellenz von morgen. Darmstadt: tuprints.
5. Abele, E., Metternich, J., Tisch, M., Chryssolouris, G., Sihn, W., ElMaraghy, H. A., Hummel, V., & Ranz, F. (2015). Learning factories for research, education, and training. 5th CIRP-sponsored Conference on Learning Factories. Procedia CIRP, 32, 1–6.