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2. Alexandrov, M., Beresneva, D., Makarov, A.: Dynamic vocabularies as a tool for studying social processes. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, ITHEA Publishing, vol. 27, pp. 88–92 (2014)
3. Alexandrov, M., Danilova, V., Koshulko, A., Tejada, J.: Models for opinion classification of blogs taken from Peruvian Facebook. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Inductive Modeling (ICIM-2013), Kyiv, Ukraine Publishing House ITRC-NASU (Ukraine) & Czech Technical University pp. 241–246 (2013)
4. Lecture Notes in Computer Science;M Alexandrov,2005
5. Alexandrov, M., Gelbukh, A., Makagonov, P.: Evaluation of thematic structure of multidisciplinary documents and document flows. In: Proceedings of the 11th International DEXA Workshop (Database and Expert System Applications), pp. 125–129 (2000)