1. Alberta Energy Regulator. Compulsory pooling. https://www.aer.ca/regulating-development/project-application/application-process/compulsory-pooling . Accessed 1 June 2018
2. Alberta’s Oil and Gas Conservation Act (OGCA) RSA 2000, c O-6
3. Alberta’s Oil and Gas Conservation Rules (OGCR). Alberta Regulation 151/1971
4. Al-Emadi T (2010) Joint Venture Contracts (JVCs) among current negotiated petroleum contracts: a literature review of JVCs development, concept and elements. Georgetown J Int Law 1:645
5. Allen and Overy LLP (2013) Guide to extractive industries documents. EI Sourcebook. http://www.eisourcebook.org/cms/Jan%202014/Guide%20to%20Mining%20Documents.pdf . Accessed 1 June 2018