1. Altman, J. 1985. “Gambling as a Mode of Redistributing and Accumulating Cash among Aborigines: A Case Study from Arnhem Land.” In Gambling in Australia, edited by G. Caldwell, M. Dickerson, B. Haig and L. Sylvan, 50–67. Croom Helm.
2. Aristophanes. 1995. The Frogs. Edited by M. Dillon. The Perseus Digital Library.
3. Aristotle. 1933. “Metaphysics.” In Aristotle in 23 Volumes, by H. Tredennick. Harvard University Press.
4. Augustine of Hippo. 1993. On Free Choice of the Will, Translated by T. Williams. Hackett.
5. Augustine of Hippo. 2000. The City of God Against the Pagans, Translated by M. Dods. Modern Library Classics.