1. S.H. Nasr al-Tusi, in Dictionary of Scientific Bibliography, vol. 13, ed. by C.C. Gillespie (Scribner’s sons, New York, 1970), pp. 508–514
2. E. Kheirandish, Mathematical sciences through Persian sources: the puzzles of Tusi’s optical works, in Sciences, techniques et instruments dans le monde Iranien (Xe-XIXe siècle), ed. by N. Pourjavady, Z. Vesel (Presses universitaires d’Iran and Institut Français de recherches en Iran, Téhéran, 2004)
3. E. Kirchner, M. Bagheri, Color theory in medieval lapidaries: Nishaburi, tusi and kashani. Centaurus 55, 1–19 (2013)
4. A. Nourani, Ajvebat al-Masā’el al-Nasīrīyah. Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies, Tehran (2005). German translation in: E. Wiedemann, Über die Entstehung der Farben nach Nasir al Din al Tusi. Jahrbuch der Photographic, 22, 86–91 (1908). Reprinted in E. Wiedemann, Aufsätze zur arabischen Wissenschaftsgeschichte (Georg Olms, Hildesheim, 1970), pp. 256–261
5. Theophilus, in De Diversis Artibus, ed./trans. by C.R. Dodwell. The Various Arts (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1986)