1. ICo-op project Website:
2. DesIRE project Website:
3. Henke, K., Vietzke, T., Wuttke, H.-D., Ostendorff, S.: GOLDi – Grid of Online Lab Devices Ilmenau. Int. J. Online Eng. (iJOE) 12, 11-13 (2016). ISSN: 1861–2121
4. Henke, K., Ostendorff, S., Wuttke, H.-D., Vietzke, T., Lutze, C.: Fields of applications for hybrid online labs. Int. J. Online Eng. (iJOE) 9, 20–30 (2013)
5. Henke, K., Ostendorff, S., Vogel, St., Wuttke, H.-D.: A grid concept for reliable, flexible and robust remote engineering laboratories. Int. J. Online Eng. (iJOE), 8, 42–49 (2012)