1. Thakar, B., Parekh, C.: Advance persistent threat: botnet. In: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies, ICTCS 2016, Udaipur, India, 4–5 March 2016, Article No. 143. ACM, New York (2016).
. Famous Botnet table
2. Sikorski, M., Honig, A.: Practical Malware Analysis: the Hands-on Guide to Dissecting Malicious Software. ISBN 978-1-59327-290-6
3. Ligh, M., Adair, S., Hartstein, B., Richard, M.: Malware Analyst’s Cookbook. ISBN 978-0-470-61303-0
4. Ashley, D.: Analysis of a Simple HTTP Bot. SANS Institute whitepapers.
5. Satrya, G.B., Cahyani, N.D.W., Andreta, R.F.: The detection of 8 type malware botnet using hybrid malware analysis in executable file windows operating systems. In: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Electronic Commerce 2015, ICEC 2015. Informatics, Telkom University, Article No. 5. ACM, New York (2015). doi:
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