1. Agreement Establishing the Commonwealth of Independent States (1991) Int Leg Mater 31(1992):143–146
2. Agreement on the Principles for a Peaceful Settlement of the Armed Conflict in the Dniester Region of the Republic of Moldova (1992). https://peacemaker.un.org/sites/peacemaker.un.org/files/MD%20RU_920000_AgreementPrinciplesPpeacefulSettlementDniestrConflict.pdf. Accessed 29 Sep 2020
3. Allcock JB (1992) Border and territorial disputes, 3rd edn. Longman, London
4. Alma-Ata Declaration (1991) Int Leg Mater 31(1992):148–149
5. Alma-Ata Protocol (1991) Int Leg Mater 31(1992):147