1. Augier, Roy, Brian L. Moore, and Swithin R. Wilmot, eds. Before & after 1865: Education, Politics, and Regionalism in the Caribbean: In Honour of Sir Roy Augier. Kingston: Ian Randle Publishers, 1998.
2. De Leon, Raphael. Calypso from France to Trinidad: 800 Years of History. Trinidad and Tobago: General Printers of San Juan, 1988.
3. Four, Linda Claudia de. Gimme Room to Sing: Calypsoes of the Mighty Sparrow, 1958–1993: A Discography. Port of Spain, Trinidad: L.C. de Four, 1993.
4. James, Aubrey. The Hummingbird Carnival Magazine. Trinidad and Tobago, 1959.
5. Jordan, Alma, March 15, 1991.