1. Society of Fire Protection Engineers, Engineering Guide: Human Behavior, Bethesda, MD: Society of Fire Protection Engineers, 2003.
2. Society of Fire Protection Engineers, The SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection Engineering, 5 ed., M. J. Hurley, Ed., Gaithersburg, MD: Society of Fire Protection Engineers, 2016.
3. Society of Fire Protection Engineers, Performance-Based Fire Protection, 2 ed., Quincy, MA: National Fire Protection Association, 2007.
4. R. F. Fahy and G. Proulx, “Toward Creating a Database on Delay Times to Start Evacuation and Walking Speeds for use in Evacuation Modeling,” in Second International Symposium on Human Behavior in Fire, 2001.
5. F. I. Stahl, J. J. Crosson and S. T. Margulis, “Time-based Capabilities of Occupants to Escape Fire in Public Buildings: A Review of Code Provision and Technical Literature,” National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD, 1982.