1. Acoustics. Determination of sound power levels of noise sources by the sound pressure. Exact methods for anechoic and semi-dead chambers. State standard GOST 31273-2003 (ISO 3745:2003), 2005, p. 31
2. Noise of machines. Determination of sound power levels by the sound pressure. Exact methods for reverberation chambers. State Standard GOST 31274-2004 (ISO 3741:1999) (Standartinform, Moscow, 2005), p. 26
3. B.G. Prutkov, I.A. Shishkin, G.L. Osipov, I.L. Karagalina, Sound-Proofing In Civil Engineering (Stroyizdat, Moscow, 1966), p. 114
4. G.L Osipov et al., Measurement of Noise Generated by Machines And Equipment (Standard Publishing, Moscow, 1968), p. 147
5. Noise. General safety requirements. State Standard GOST 12.1.003-83 (Standard Publishing, Moscow, 1991) p. 14