1. Gordon Lever, “Identification of Organics in Bayer Liquor,” Light Metals, 2 (1978) pp. 71–83.
2. Pierre Salomon, “Contribution a l’analyse des substances organiques contenues das les bauxites etles liqueurs d’aluminate du cycle ‘Bayer.’ Oxydation par l’oxygene,” Ph.D. thesis presented at L’Institute National Polytechnique De Grenoble, July, 1982.
3. Z. G. Szabo, M. Orban and I. Perl, “Some Fundamental Research for Alumina Industry in Hungary,” ICSOBA Conference, Athens, Greece, (1978) pp. 422–436.
4. P. Roumeliotis and K. K. Unger, “Possible Uses of HPLC for the Separation, Isolation, Identification and Quantitative Determination of Substances from Complex Mixtures — Illustrated by Carboxylic Acid and Sodium Aluminate Liquors from the Bayer Process of Aluminum Recovery,” Chromatographia, 15 (2) (1982) pp. 107–116.
5. K. Yamada, T. Harato and H. Kato, “Oxidation of Organic Substances in the Bayer Process,” Light Metals, (1980) pp. 117–128.