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2. V.J. Voloshchenko, The Parametric Echo-Sounders for Short-Range Underwater Surveillance (LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH, Omni Scrip. & Co. KG, Germany, 2015)
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3. V.Y. Voloshchenko, Acoustic Direction Finder. Russian patent No. 2138059 (RU), 20 Sept 1999 (In Russian)
4. V.Y. Voloshchenko at el., Multi-frequency Navigation System. Russian Patent No. 86321 (RU), 27 August 2009 (In Russian)
5. T.G. Muir, in Physics of Sound in Marine Sediments, p. 241, ed. by L.L. Hampton, Non-linear Acoustics and Its Role in the Sedimentary Geophysics of the Sea (Plenum Press, New York, 1974)