1. Bailey V, Bailey FM, Giovannoli L (1933) Cave life of Kentucky. Am Midl Nat 14(5):385–635
2. Baker DS (1998) Mammoth Cave, historic entrance sheet, map (draft), scale 1:600. Cave Research Foundation
3. Bullitt AC (1845) Rambles in the Mammoth Cave during the Year 1844. Morton and Griswold, Louisville
4. Colburn ML (2005) Paleontological inventory project: vertebrate remains found in select passages and caves at Mammoth Cave National Park, Kentucky. Final report submitted to the National Park Service, July 2005. Illinois State Museum Landscape History Program, Technical Report No. 2005-1199-007. On file at Mammoth Cave National Park
5. Colburn ML (2006) Vertebrate remains from four localities at Mammoth Cave National Park, Kentucky. Masters thesis, University of Illinois at Springfield