1. Anekwe & Anor v. Nweke 2014, SC. 129/2013 (Supreme Court of Nigeria).
2. Bhe & Others v Khayelitsha Magistrate & Others 2004 CCT 49/03 ZACC 17(Constitutional Court of South Africa).
3. E.S & S.C. v. United Republic of Tanzania, CEDAW/C/60/D/48/2013 Communication No. 48/2013 (Committee on Elimination of Discrimination against Women 2015).
4. Ephrahim v. Pastory & another 1990 Civil Appeal No. 70 of 1989 (High Court of Tanzania at Mwanza).
5. Gumede (born Shange) v President of the Republic of South Africa & Others (Women’s Legal Centre Trust as Amicus Curiae) 2008 CCT50/08 ZACC 23 (Constitutional Court of South Africa).