1. Kellum, G., Crevoisier, A.: A Flexible Mapping Editor for Multi-touch Musical Instruments. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (2009)
2. JazzMutant - Lemur, multi-touch modular controller for sequencers, synthesizers, virtual instruments, vj and light,
3. Reactable - the electronic music instrument, the App and DJ tool,
4. Jordà, S., Geiger, G., Alonso, M., Kaltenbrunner, M.: The reacTable: Exploring the Syn-ergy Between Live Music Performance and Tabletop Tangible Interfaces. In: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Tangible and Embedded Interaction, pp. 139–146. ACM, New York (2007) gkl;
5. Leap Motion, Mac & PC Motion Controller for Games, Design, & More,