Springer International Publishing
Reference32 articles.
1. Mery, D., Riffo, V., Zscherpel, U., Mondragon, G., Lillo, I., Zuccar, I., Lobel, H., Carrasco, M.: GDXray: The GRIMA database of X-ray images (
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2. Mery, D., Filbert, D.: Automated flaw detection in aluminum castings based on the tracking of potential defects in a radioscopic image sequence. IEEE Trans. Robot. Autom. 18(6), 890–901 (2002)
3. Mery, D.: Automated detection in complex objects using a tracking algorithm in multiple X-ray views. In: Proceedings of the 8th IEEE Workshop on Object Tracking and Classification Beyond the Visible Spectrum (OTCBVS 2011), in conjunction with CVPR 2011, pp. 41–48. Colorado Springs (2011)
4. Carrasco, M., Mery, D.: Automatic multiple view inspection using geometrical tracking and feature analysis in aluminum wheels. Mach. Vis. Appl. 22(1), 157–170 (2011)
5. Pizarro, L., Mery, D., Delpiano, R., Carrasco, M.: Robust automated multiple view inspection. Pattern Anal. Appl. 11(1), 21–32 (2008)