Calmness of Linear Constraint Systems under Structured Perturbations with an Application to the Path-Following Scheme


Argáez C.,Cánovas M.J.,Parra J.ORCID


AbstractWe are concerned with finite linear constraint systems in a parametric framework where the right-hand side is an affine function of the perturbation parameter. Such structured perturbations provide a unified framework for different parametric models in the literature, as block, directional and/or partial perturbations of both inequalities and equalities. We extend some recent results about calmness of the feasible set mapping and provide an application to the convergence of a certain path-following algorithmic scheme. We underline the fact that our formula for the calmness modulus depends only on the nominal data, which makes it computable in practice.


Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades

European Regional Development Fund


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Applied Mathematics,Geometry and Topology,Numerical Analysis,Statistics and Probability,Analysis

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1. Robust and continuous metric subregularity for linear inequality systems;Computational Optimization and Applications;2022-12-16







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