1. T. B. Rozhdesvenskaya, Electric Comparators for Precise Current, Voltage and Power Measurements [in Russian], Edited by V. O. Arutyunov, Standartov, Moscow (1964).
2. R. F. Aknaev and T. B. Rozhdestvenskaya, Izmer. Tekh., No. 5 (1970).
3. R. F. Aknaev and T. B. Rozhdestvenskaya, Proc. of the Metrological Institutes of the USSR [in Russian], Vol. 138(198) (1972).
4. R. F. Aknaev et al., Izmer. Tekh., No. 2 (1976).
5. F. L. Hermach and E. S. Williams, IEEE Trans. Instruments Measur.,14, No. 15 (1966).